Monday, June 05, 2017 by Robert Jonathan
The latest gambit by the mainstream media is an accusation that President Trump is experiencing cognitive decline based on an analysis of his speech patterns.
The website Stat News claims that it consulted with an array of experts who compared Trump interviews in videos over the years with contemporary footage and “all agreed” that the president has experienced some deterioration in his communications skills in part because of using a simpler vocabulary and a “tortured syntax,” repeating himself, not speaking in complete sentences, and jumping from one topic to the next. The site said:
The experts noted clear changes from Trump’s unscripted answers 30 years ago to those in 2017, in some cases stark enough to raise questions about his brain health. They noted, however, that the same sort of linguistic decline can also reflect stress, frustration, anger, or just plain fatigue.
According to studies, the website added, “linguistic and cognitive decline often go hand in hand” because it reflects the performance of the prefrontal cortex and the temporal lobe of the brain.
All of this is, however, rank speculation, which supposedly is or was off limits for the medical profession.
You’ll recall that media outlets scolded any physician, such as TV Doctor Drew Pinsky, who raised questions about Hillary Clinton’s health during the presidential campaign, for violating ethics by trying to diagnose a patient remotely. Moreover, Pinsky abruptly lost his gig on CNN sister station HLN after he spoke out on the subject.
During the campaign, the mainstream media dismissed questions about Hillary’s health as conspiracy theories, at least until she collapsed at the 9/11 ceremony in lower Manhattan, which her doctor subsequently attributed to pneumonia.
Hillary Clinton also suffered numerous coughing fits on the campaign trail, an issue which reemerged when she delivered a commencement address at Wellesley College last Friday.
There are also videos that purport to show Hillary Clinton, who suffered a concussion in 2012, lapsing into a seizure.
Reacting to the status of Hillary’s health, Natural News pointed out in August 2016 that “If a Republican candidate – or if Clinton’s only serious Democratic challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. – had shown, or was showing these kinds of physical symptoms, the pathetic Washington media would have been all over that story.” (RELATED: Read more about left-wing media bias at NewsFakes.com.)
From what can be discerned publicly, Trump, who celebrates his 71st birthday on June 14, could obviously benefit from losing weight, getting more exercise, and increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in his diet. He famously doesn’t sleep much, so he could also benefit from more shuteye. Perhaps he should start reading a few Natural News articles during his late-night tweet sessions.
Trying to implement an American First agenda in the face of bitter opposition from Democrat-media complex, the Deep State, and the devious Never Trump Republicans is enough to give the most healthy, vigorous individual a headache and a massive amount of stress, however.
But his energy level for a man of his age is remarkable as he has proven time and again. During the campaign season, Trump barnstormed across the country doing multiple rallies in different states each day while Clinton generally followed a relatively light schedule of appearances and attended various private fundraisers.
Parenthetically, Trump tends to speak imprecisely like an ordinary person — and oral communication is, in general, seldom linear — and repeating stuff could be a rhetorical technique for the “master persuader” (as Dilbert creator Scott Adams calls him) to get his point across with a relentlessly hostile media.
The fake stream media doesn’t seem too concerned with the scattered presentations of U.S. House minority leader (and would-be Speaker) Nancy Pelosi, who often refers to the current president as President Bush. Given that the media hyperventilates over even insignificant, trivial matters that make the Trump administration look bad, perhaps it is the media that has lost its collective mind.
That being said, do you think that there is any basis for concluding that brain health is an issue for President Trump or is it just more in a series of politicized fake news?
Tagged Under: Tags: brain health, cognitive dec, Donald Trump