Monday, June 26, 2017 by JD Heyes
If the conservative media had talked about, lied about, threatened and spewed the kind of hate toward Barack Obama the “mainstream” media throws at Donald J. Trump, you would have literally seen heads exploding on TV.
But while conservative pundits had plenty to say that was critical of Obama, the Right largely refrained from calling him a “terrorist” or associating him with the kind of violence terrorist organizations routinely display.
And yet the disgusting far-Left “mainstream” media regularly refers to Trump in those terms and in that manner, which is continuing to feed into the anger and hate of the Democratic Party’s base.
In recent days a “political analyst” for MSNBC, Elise Jordan — who is little more than a Left-wing hack and Trump hater — “advised” Republican lawmakers to avoid embracing and defending Trump, whom she said “lied” to the country over earlier statements regarding fired FBI Director James Comey and “tapes,” comparing it to “hugging a suicide bomber.”
Those outrageous comments came in response to the president’s claims last week that no, he did not possess any tape recordings of his conversations with Comey, and in fact never said that he did. But of course, the hack media still can’t figure Trump out and most certainly, can’t seem to understand how often he trolls them (which is what he did with the “tapes” tweets).
“He’s just wasting — he wasted the country’s collective time speculating over whether these tapes existed or not,” said Jordan, a former aide in the Bush White House. “It’s a sad day when you cannot depend on the president’s word.”
She then proceeded to give Republicans this counsel: “My advice would just be to Republicans who do coy up to him — it’s like hugging a suicide bomber. He blows you up in the process with him.”
“That’s a little strong,” another MSNBC host, Craig Melvin, cautioned.
“If you’re a Republican who went out on a limb and defended Donald Trump over saying, well, he’s got tapes that will back up his point of view, you just got blown up, too,” she responded.
First of all, again, Trump never claimed he had tapes of any of his conversations with Comey. All he tweeted was that Comey “better hope” there aren’t any tapes:
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017
It was the chronically Trump-deranged media that leapt to the assumption that Trump was claiming he had tapes. He never said he did, and yet the media (and Democrats in Congress) became so obsessed with that tweet that the “tapes” story took on a life of its own, which happens a LOT these days.
More importantly, Melvin is correct; Jordan’s statement was too strong, because it’s feeding into a false media-driven, media-created narrative that violence against his president is fine and dandy because, you know, ‘he’s a terrorist himself.’ (Related: Dershowitz warns that left-wing media frenzy endangers civil liberties by promoting LIES about Trump and the presidency.)
This kind of talk, this kind of dangerous rhetoric against Trump, has gone on now for months, practically since he won the Nov. 8 election. In any number of ways, the Left — the “mainstream” media, Democrats in Congress, the entertainment industry — have all used hate-filled rhetoric, violent imagery and actual calls to violence against the president and his party.
All of which is beginning to manifest itself in deadly, dangerous ways, as evidenced earlier this month when a crazed Left-wing hater and Bernie Sanders supporter named James T. Hodgkinson brought a rifle to a ball field in northern Virginia where Republican lawmakers were practicing for an annual softball game and opened fire…just because they were Republicans.
No one killed, thankfully, but the House’s No. 3 leader, Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, was critically wounded.
More and more Americans are beginning to understand that the political violence sweeping our country is not being driven and encouraged by conservatives and the Right.
The real domestic terrorists are on the Left, and many of them are members of the media.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: Tags: democrats, domestic terrorists, inciting violence, mainstream media, President Donald J. Trump