News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
After pushing anti-Trump vulgarity, WashPost decries ‘Let’s Go Brandon’
In an amazingly tone-deaf and hypocritical Saturday article for the Washington Post, White House reporter Ashley Parker and reporter Carissa Wolf bemoaned how, across the country, President “Biden’s critics hurl increasingly vulgar taunts.” This, after the paper, spent four years actively promoting such comments against former President Trump. They even took issue with the non-vulgar “Let’s […]
By News Editors
Trump dossier coverage ‘one of the most egregious journalistic errors’ in history, admits corporate media
Axios, one of the leading D.C.-based corporate media outlets, has admitted that reporting surrounding the now infamous Trump-Steele dossier was “one of the most egregious journalistic errors in modern history,” in an article slamming news-media colleagues for the years of fake news reporting. (Article republished from “…the media’s response to its own mistakes has […]
By News Editors
As Biden builds a wall around his beach house but not the border, media fall silent
Recall the extensive and scornful media coverage then-President Donald Trump received when he beefed up security around the White House? Here’s a sample: (Article by Jeffrey Lord republished from From NBC News: White House adds fencing around perimeter The story reported: “If Trump erected more than 3 miles of fence around the White House, it would […]
By News Editors
Book describes General Milley as hero who saved US from Trump, but actually shows him colluding with CIA, NSA, Pelosi & China
An upcoming book by two Washington Post writers, just leaked to the corporate press, seeks to paint General Mark Milley as a hero of the resistance to President Donald Trump. If any of it is true, it amounts to an actual coup. (Article by Nebojsa Malic republished from Excerpts from ‘Peril’, due to be […]
By News Editors
WaPo’s Jen Rubin celebrates the decline of the white population in America
Washington Post opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin celebrated the reported statistical decline of the white population in America, making it clear that the globalist political class is rooting for the loss of white majority. Rubin went even further and noted that she hopes white people will not be able to “rule” over the population in the coming […]
By News Editors
WaPo head ‘fact checker’ Glenn Kessler heckled over lab-leak flip-flop
With the COVID-19 ‘lab leak’ theory finally gaining mainstream legitimacy following recent reports from the Wall Street Journal, and an admission by Anthony Fauci that he’s now open to the possibility, formerly smug establishment ‘fact checkers’ are now scrambling to salvage their reputations after categorically dismissing a lab leak as a ‘debunked conspiracy theory.’ (Article by Tyler Durden republished from […]
By News Editors
The Washington Post conveniently gives up presidential fact-check database right before Biden’s speech to Congress
During Trump’s time in office, the media fact-checked every word he said. One of the more prominent fact-checking sources for leftists was the Washington Post. Wouldn’t you know, just a few days before Biden’s speech to Congress, the Washington Post stopped using their fact-checking database. How convenient! (Article by Leisa Audette republished from Fast forward […]
By News Editors
Child Abuse: Wash Post highlights ‘social justice books, programs for toddlers’
Parents: Do you want your three year-old to be a joyless social justice drone by the time he/she/they hits kindergarten? Would you like little Pat to be the puritanical scold of the playground, sucking the fun, life and variety out of every grammar school interaction? Your pals at the Washington Post have a round-up of woke books […]
By News Editors
The sources who lie and the reporters who protect them
Protecting anonymous sources – or covering-up government misconduct? Imagine you’re a major media outlet like The Washington Post or CNN. You have a huge platform on the web, in print, or on TV. You publish consequential stories with information from anonymous sources on Trump/Russia collusion, an email Donald Trump, Jr. received about a Wikileaks release, and President […]
By News Editors
WATCH: Video shows the entire liberal media repeating the ‘find the fraud’ hoax
Someone has gone to the trouble to make a supercut video showing all the instances in which the mainstream media spread a now-famously false WaPo story: (Article by James Anthony republished from “SUPERCUT! Flashback: Major hype retracted WaPo report Trump ordered Ga. to ‘find the fraud'” In the video, one can see very clear evidence of […]
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