01/22/2019 / By JD Heyes
Another day, another ‘gaffe’ by the disgusting dishonest “mainstream media” (MSM) which, in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, has completely abandoned any and all semblance of journalistic ethics.
But unlike most previous MSM errors, this one has implications far beyond the fake narrative that was being reported.
Over the weekend several groups gathered in the nation’s capital to take part in various demonstrations, protests, and events. One of those was the March for Life, which was staged by pro-life activists and included a group of young, mostly white male students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky, several of whom were wearing MAGA hats.
As their group visited the Lincoln Memorial, they were descended upon by a noted Native American activist and provocateur, Nathan Phillips, and a small group of fellow Native Americans banging on drums. At one point Phillips walked up to one of the students and beat his drum inches from the student’s face. The student didn’t do anything — didn’t verbally harass Phillips, did not taunt him, did not touch him, and certainly did not provoke him.
But this was a moment of gold for the hysterical anti-POTUS MSM, which, no doubt, Phillips the provocateur knew and understood: White boys from a Catholic school wearing MAGA hats. How easy it would be to go from zero to 100 miles per hour getting viral hits and clicks on social media! And just look at the new damage this story would cause to be done to POTUS Trump’s brand!
Via Snopes, The Associated Press wrote, “Students in ‘MAGA’ Hats Mock Native American After Rally.”
The Root reported, “The Next Generation of MAGA Hat-Wearing Bigots Besiege Indigenous Peoples March.”
CNN piled on with, “Teens in Make America Great Again hats mocked a Native American elder at the Lincoln Memorial.”
Only, none of it was true, as multiple pieces of video evidence would later demonstrate. And for the record, it wasn’t just “left-wing” media that wrongly reported what happened; so-called ‘conservative’ media did too, including National Review, which must have been so embarrassed by getting caught up in another MSM fake news cycle the magazine removed its online story.
This is what conservatives did to those boys.
Remember this.
Remember who stood and fought for the truth and who lied. https://t.co/7WtF9L7HyB
— Mike Cernovich 🦍🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) January 20, 2019
This bogus story came directly on the heels of another fake news report from Buzzfeed, which claimed in a Friday “bombshell” report that POTUS Trump instructed is former personal lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about the president’s previous plans to put a Trump Tower in Moscow (which didn’t happen).
Within hours of that story going viral, real journalists from the indy media were poking holes in it, noting that the writers relied on two “anonymous federal law enforcement sources” for their claim and that they, themselves, have never seen any physical evidence documenting the allegations.
To top that off, special counsel Robert Mueller’s office took the extremely rare step of publicly refuting all of what Buzzfeed reported.
By the next day, some MSM outlets were lamenting that Buzzfeed’s shoddy reporting was making everyone else look bad — including The Washington Post, which is rich given that the Post itself has been guilty on multiple occasions of publishing fake news about the Trump administration.
As for the Covington Catholic High boys, these are children who have been massively wronged by a morally, ethically, and journalistically compromised MSM whose reporting has put their lives in danger. They’ve been intimidated to the point where a Kentucky prosecutor is warning that his office is prepared to take legal action against such “felony” threats.
The MSM owes these kids a huge apology, as well as their readers and viewers. What’s more, they owe it to all of us to be real journalists from here on out — naturally curious professionals who don’t take stories at face value but dig to find out what’s real and what isn’t.
If they can’t or won’t do that, then they should face legal consequences.
Read more about the MSM’s fake news problems at NewsFakes.com.
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Tagged Under: apology, Covington Catholic School, democrats, dishonest, dishonest media, endangerment, fake bigotry, fake news, fake racism, hoax, Journalism, journo-terrorism, lawsuits, legal consequences, lies, MAGA hats, mainstream media, msm, Nathan Phillips, Native American, news cartels, news media, smeared, white boys